Mobile Advertising

Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is a form of advertising on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets that helps you reach audiences on their devices. Most of us now rely on our phones for information on a daily basis including searches, browsing sites or apps and watching YouTube videos. Mobile ads allow businesses to be there in real time when it really counts. Mobile ads are available across multiple channels and can be used for a variety of objectives including brand building, generating awareness, and driving engagement and transactions in order to increase revenue.

Mobile ads can be delivered in multiple formats, including video, text or image, but both creatives and the website users are sent to should always be mobile optimised to ensure that they look good on all mobile devices and small screens and allow users to carry out the actions they want to.

These ads can be shown on mobile devices with browsers, within apps on smartphones or tablets, and there are various exciting options in terms of ad formats including call-only campaigns or app promotion ads.

Mobile app advertising has become particularly popular whereby banner, video and even interstitial ads are integrated into an app. App Promotion campaigns can also help businesses drive installs of their new app or even engage with inactive app customers who are not using the app enough.

Mobile ads

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